
Wyomissing Area School District subcontracts our transportation with Gross School Bus Service Company in Bechtelsville, PA. The buses are kept on our property during the school year. All the bus drivers are employees of the Gross School Bus Service Company and are approved by our Board of School Directors. Gross School Bus Service has an onsite supervisor assigned to our bus lot. We report any problems with the drivers, buses, etc. to that supervisor.

We have 12 buses used to transport school students on our regular runs. One of the buses is used to transport students in wheelchair units. We also have 5 spare buses used for field trips and sports trips. All buses have 2-way radio units in them. Our transportation department has a base unit to be in touch with the buses at all times.

The school district owns 4 vans to transport students to alternative education programs, and special transportation. The van drivers are Wyomissing Area School District employees and report to our transportation coordinator.

In order to keep our buses running smoothly, we ask our students to be at their bus stop 5 minutes before the assigned pick up times. Also, our kindergarten students must have someone at the stop to put them on the bus and to take them off the bus in the afternoon. Our goal is for your child to have a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school.

If you need to be in touch with the transportation department, our phone number is 610-374-0739 ext 1110. Our transportation coordinator is Craig Scheetz . Someone is available in the transportation office from 6 AM to 5 PM. If we can't answer the phone, please leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.