WREC Participates in "Adopt a Class" Program
Posted on 01/14/2022
Students in Mrs. Kozuch’s sixth-grade class have been provided with a new opportunity with the West Reading Police Department. Early in the school year, Chief Granitz reached out about a partnership at WREC in order to create positive interactions and conversations among the WRPD and students and to provide incentives for students for hard work and stellar academic performance. Chief Granitz is providing leadership and guidance in school and throughout the community and the students will partner with the WRPD through different upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Chief Granitz visited the students in class and worked with them to create a goal for them to work toward and an incentive for the end of the program. The students, along with the help of Mrs. Kozuch and Mrs. Easteadt, decided that their goal is to maintain strong attendance because if you aren’t in school, you can’t learn. By reaching this goal, the students will then be rewarded by participating in a kickball game with the WRPD at WREC.
Along with the goal, Mrs. Kozuch, Mrs. Easteadt, and Chief Granitz created a class mantra for the school year, which is: “I can do hard things.” The hope is that this mantra helps motivate students when they face challenges inside and outside of the classroom. To keep this mantra fresh in students’ minds, sweatshirts were distributed to the students and read the words, “I Can Do Hard Things” across the front. The students can put these sweatshirts on at any point throughout the day when they feel they need a reminder to keep pushing through. Speaking with two sixth-grade students, the sweatshirts are making a huge difference. Spartan Bre’Yana Durham, says, “When taking a hard test I put it on to avoid second-guessing and when I wear this it makes me believe in myself and makes me feel that I can do anything.” Similar to Bre’Yana, another student, Jazlyn Correa says “I feel that anything that’s hard can be achieved when wearing my sweatshirt and it makes me feel special.”
Creating a positive learning environment is the goal of teachers and leaders throughout the school and community. Thanks to Chief Granitz for coming into the classroom and initiating conversations with the students about positive learning environments and positive community relations. Through the work of this partnership, it is the goal that students can begin to feel safe and confident even in uncomfortable situations.