- Planned Inquiry Based Learning Professional Development
- Developed STEAM Summary Plan
- Discussed WREC Design Center Furniture and Storage Solutions
- Met with architect and small teacher group to discuss options for the JSHS STEAM Wing
- Opened WREC STEAM Design Center
- Continued WREC STEAM Design Center Furniture and Storage Solutions Discussions
- Discussed WAEF Grants with Executive Director
- Met with WYO STEM Parent Group Representative
- Prepared JSHS Woodshop for instructional use as needed
November (Anticipated)
- STEAM Presentation to STEAM teachers
- Develop STEAM Instructional Framework
- WHEC Professional Development: Technology Integration
- WHEC iPad Quote to Finance Committee
- Identify WHEC STEAM Design Center Resources Needed
- WREC STEAM Design Center Furniture and Storage Solutions Request to Finance Committee
December (Anticipated)
- Discussion of WHEC STEAM Design Center
January (Anticipated)
- Implement iPads enhancement at WHEC
- Discuss WHEC STEAM Design Center Furniture and Storage Solutions
- Implement WREC STEAM Design Center Furniture and Storage Solutions
Last Revised October 31, 2017