The Wyomissing Area School District real estate and per capita tax bills will be mailed by July 1 of each year. Please read the taxpayer instructions and the installment instructions carefully when you receive your real estate tax bills as there have been changes as a result of the Act 1 of 2006 legislation. If a mortgage company pays your real estate taxes out of an escrow account, please forward the tax bill to them. (We recommend that you make a copy of the bill for record keeping purposes.)
If you have not received your bill by July 15 or if you have any questions on your tax bill please contact the Tax Department or call the Business Office at 610.374.0739 ; press 9 and then dial ext. 1101.
If you would like a receipt mailed to you, please include a self addressed envelope (with appropriate postage) with your payment. For a receipt via email, please send your request here.