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We would like to share an exciting new service for YOU, the parents, at no cost to you. click here to learn more.
In response to parent concerns about student health and well-being, Wyomissing Area School District is partnered with to deliver presentations developed by licensed therapists. The series are virtual, interactive, and designed to help parents and caregivers support students. While the live series have concluded for this school year, please see the links below for the recorded sessions to watch again or share with family and friends!
Take advantage of our free resources and on-demand
e-courses. You can also receive answers to your questions with the Ask
A Therapist feature…check it out by signing up for a free account
at today!
Parents tell us how much they appreciate the resources, and how it helps them
to help their children.
Please see Information on Previous Sessions Below:
December 2024 Grief: The Healing Process After Loss
Monday, October 7th "Bullying-Stop the Cycle" - Thank you for registering for “Bullying- Stop the Cycle” where Dr. Melissa Lopez-Larson shared the importance of addressing bullying concerns both at home and in the schools. She outlined what bullying is and how parents can watch for signs and the importance of intervening if your child is being bullied. Bullying is a persistent misuse of power and can happen to anyone; both in person and online.
Take time this week to educate your child on the effects of bullying. Show them that open communication is encouraged and do what you can to build their self-confidence. Additionally, set goals with your child to be a part of their online experience. Reflect on ways to be a positive role model for your child so that they too can be a positive role model outside of your home.
You can access more resources on this topic here, select Deep Dive to view the video:
Please see Previously Recorded Sessions Below
Recorded Session Wednesday, April 24, "Building Your Child's Confidence"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded Session Wednesday, March 20, "Establishing Healthy Boundaries"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded Session Wednesday, February 28, "Parenting Through Anxiety and Depression"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded Session Wednesday, January 24, "Understanding Video Game Addiction"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded Session Wednesday, October 25, "Compassionate Parenting & Self Compassion"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded Session Wednesday, September 27, "Supporting Your Child's Mental Health"
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded session April 18, 2023 “How to Motivate Your Child”.
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Required Passcode: 8gN^+X2q
Recorded session March 21, 2023 “School Avoidance”.
REPLAY LINK: Watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded session February 21, 2023 "ABC's of Substance Use & Vaping". We discussed concerns around substance use,
facts behind e-cigarettes, how to talk to your teen and signs to watch for.
Vaping and substance use are targeted as fun to teens, but are highly addictive
and can cause major health and behavioral side effects.
it again or share with friends and family: Required Passcode: 9gAvp&3P
Recorded session January 17, 2023 "Effects of Screen Time and Children's Mental Health". We discussed the research behind screen time, how to talk to your
child about their device usage and strategies to protect your child’s mental
health. Screen time use has the ability to increase anxiety in your child’s
life as well as negatively impact their and your well-being.
REPLAY LINK:Watch it again or share with friends and family: Required Passcode: 9D#!rQi8
Recorded session October 18, 2022 "Emotional Regulations - Recognizing What's Wrong". watch it again or share with friends and family:
REPLAY LINK: Required Passcode: WNK6qb*^
Recorded session September 20, 2022 "Social Media-Protecting Your Child".
watch it again or share with friends and family: Password Required: BN5S!tWR
Recorded session February 15, 2022 "How Parents Can Help Prevent Suicide” .
watch it again or share with friends and family:
Recorded session January 18th, 2022 "Why Children Self-harm and How Parents Can Help” .
Watch it again or share with friends and family: Replay_Jan18_Why Children Self-harm and How Parents Can Help
Our hope is that you come away with ideas on how to help your child.
Your district has partnered with us to provide individual coaching to parents. Go to: and select "Register Free" to fill out a quick and confidential questionnaire. Our coaching manager will then reach out to see if coaching is right for you.
Remember, has free resources and on-demand e-courses. You can also receive answers to your questions with the Ask A Therapist feature…check it out by signing up for a free account at today! Parents tell us how much they appreciate the resources, and how it helps them to help their children.