Introducing the Wyomissing Area Hope Squad

Introducing the Wyomissing Area Hope Squad
Posted on 10/27/2021
Hope SquadThis year, the Wyomissing Area School District is excited to develop a Hope Squad. The mission of the Hope Squad is to reduce youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention.

The Hope Squad will help train students and staff to recognize warning signs in others, will seek to build positive relationships among peers and faculty, and will work to promote a positive school culture surrounding mental health.

This peer-to-peer program is aimed to empower students and will be advised by Dr. Woodard, Mrs. Quinlivan, and Mrs. Godek. Dr. Woodard shares that "the Wyomissing Area School District is the second school in Pennsylvania to develop the Hope Squad and we are grateful for the Cook Center’s grant funding and research-based curriculum to guide this work”.  For more information please visit the link: We look forward to learning about the work this new group is doing.