Wyomissing Area Participates in an Hour of Code
Posted on 03/07/2022
Students at the Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center and West Reading Elementary Center participated in this year’s Hour of Code activity. “Hour of Code” is a worldwide event aimed at promoting participation in the field of computer science.
Mrs. Matz has organized Hour of Code for our Spartans at the West Reading Elementary Center for the last few years but expanded the event to include students at WHEC this year too! This year’s Hour of Code event put students to the test as their favorite games incorporated the world of code and they programmed their way through each level to pass the game. Various lessons included both digital and "unplugged" activities and choice options with robotics in many classrooms kindergarten through sixth grade.
Students truly put their critical thinking skills to the test and learned how computer science can be implemented into many learning opportunities and future careers. Thank you to Mrs. Matz for organizing this engaging experience for our Spartans. We look forward to seeing this initiative continue to grow.