WASD Reopening Plan / COVID-19 Updates



If your child is exhibiting symptoms of COVID19, has tested positive for COVID19 or is awaiting a test result for COVID19, please keep them home. If your child has tested positive for COVID19, please contact their school nurse as soon as possible.  
WHEC – Amy Kern – 610.374.0739 ext. 4006
WREC – Beth Delp – 610.374.0739 ext. 5213
JSHS – Sally McNichol – 610.374.0739 ext. 2110
The PA Department of Health (“DOH”) updated their guidance for K-12 schools in August of 2022 related to controlling the spread of COVID19.  Per the WASD’s Health and Safety Plan, we continue to follow the guidance of the PA DOH.  These guidelines include a 5 day isolation period following the onset of symptoms or test date for those that test positive, with a return to school/work on day 6 as long as symptoms have improved or resolved. Upon return to school/work, it is strongly recommended to wear a well-fitted mask at all times during days 6-10.  
The WASD is no longer contact tracing, as the DOH’s guidance no longer includes a recommendation to quarantine close contacts of positive cases.  Students/staff who believe they were in close contact with a positive case, are encouraged to wear a mask for 10 days beyond their exposure.   

Please click here for the Wyomissing Area School District (WASD) Health and Safety Plan (Reviewed January 22, 2024)

Please click here for the Wyomissing Area School District (WASD) Health and Safety Transition Plan - (Revised 7/8/2021)

District Health and Safety Plans Archive


do your partstop the spread


Please click for Food Service Information

Please do not hesitate to click here to contact Alexis Hohl, Food Services Director, or by phone at 610-374-0739 x1118 if there are any questions or if further information is needed.